Climate Change Impact and Adaptation of Agro-Pastoral Farmers in Awerial County, Lakes State of South Sudan
Adaptation, Agropastoral farmers, Climate change, South SudanAbstract
This study examined the impact of climate change and weather-related extremities on the livelihoods of agro-pastoral farmers to identify the climate change adaptation practices adopted by the climate-affected households in Awerial County of South Sudan. A mixed methods approach was utilised. 401 respondents were interviewed using individual questionnaires and focus group discussions. The study’s results showed that agro-pastoralists perceive climate change as occurring in the study location, as evidenced by perceived increases in temperature, rainfall variability, and increased frequency of floods and droughts. Climate change also impacts livelihoods, as can be seen from livestock losses, increased food insecurity, loss of inputs, deforestation, and diminished water for livestock and domestic purposes. In the face of climate change, agro-pastoral farmers adapt by planting trees, crop/livestock diversification, mixed farming, soil and water conservation, reduction in livestock numbers, adjustment of planting dates, irrigation, and application of fertilisers. However, adaptation to climate change by agro-pastoral farmers is constrained by limited access to credit, lack of skills/information and access to agriculture inputs/technologies. The extension message includes strengthening local early warning systems, livelihood diversification and promotion of climate-sensitive agricultural practices for agro-pastoralists.
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