Challenges in the supply chain of cabbage in Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Supply Chain Management, Cabbage Farmers, Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan MunicipalityAbstract
The main objective of the study was to advance good supply chain management practices for cabbage through improved shelf life, safety and produce quality, with a view to improving the sustainable supply of cabbage to the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality. Twenty-nine (29) cabbage farmers were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. The data obtained was analysed descriptively using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software Version 22. Descriptive statistics identified the modes, means of variables, frequencies, and percentages. The results of the study showed that the majority respondents face cabbage losses due to poor management during transportation. Moreover, challenges experienced by the cabbage farmers included mould growth, poor transport services, poor temperature management, poor stock handling practices, and location of the farms in relation to the market. The findings further revealed that insect infestation in some cabbage consignments was also a contributing factor which led to a high rejection rate among the retailers. The researchers propose that extension advisers should train cabbage farmers to address the identified challenges and ensure a regular monitoring and evaluation process to ensure the success of farmers.
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