Perception and Utilisation of Organic Farming Practices among Smallholder Farmers: Evidence from a Micro-Level Survey in Ehlanzeni District South Africa
Smallholder Farmers, Perception, Utilisation, Organic FarmingAbstract
The study analysed the perception of organic farming practices among smallholder farmers in Mbombela, Mpumalanga, South Africa. An interview-administered questionnaire collected data from 80 randomly sampled smallholder farmers. The elicited data was descriptively analysed using percentages, averages, and ranks. In contrast, a multiple linear regression model was used to determine the socioeconomic factors that influence smallholder farmers' utilisation of organic farming practices. The findings revealed that although smallholder farmers were aware of organic agricultural methods, adopting organic practices is still yet to be widespread and optimal in the area. This is due to some severe challenges indicated by the respondents, including inadequate government support, the unpredictability of climate change, inadequate access to grants and credit facilities, inadequate collaboration and collective action among farmers, and inadequate access to extension services. Furthermore, the findings of the regression model revealed that formal education and organic farming training attendance were significant socioeconomic factors influencing smallholder farmer’s utilisation of organic farming practices. Given the need to scale up the adoption of organic farming practices in the area, it was recommended that increased government support, adequate access to credit facilities and significant improvement and effectiveness of extension services in providing training and encouraging collective action among the smallholder farmers is required.
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