Socio-demographic Context of Resilience for Adaptation to Climate Change and Implication for Agricultural Extension in Buffelspruit, South Africa


  • A.I. Agholor
  • O.D. Olorunfemi
  • K. Ogujiuba



Agriculture, Climate change, Mitigation, Adoption, Resilience strategies


The study examined the socio-demographic characteristics of smallholder farmers’ and resilience strategies for adaptation to climate change in Buffelspruit, South Africa. The objectives of the study were to determine local resilience strategies used by farmers and examine adoption behaviour in the use of local resilience strategies for mitigating climate change. The study was conducted in Buffelspruit community. A total number of 306 participants were selected randomly for this study. Structured and semi-structured questionnaires were used for data collection. The adoption behaviour of the farmers in the use of local resilience strategies was analysed using the logit model. Crop rotation, crop diversification and the adjustment of planting dates were the resilience strategies used by farmers. The result from the logit analysis reveals that gender (p = 0.047), level of education (p = 0.16), employment (p = 0.043), farm skills (p = 0.058), extension services (p = 0.011) and farm size (p = 0.022) influenced the adoption of climate resilient strategies in the study area. Extension education must move beyond technical training to enhance farmers’ abilities for planning, problem solving, critical thinking and leadership skills to work with multiple stakeholders. Extension must be proactive with capacity development in climate change education.



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How to Cite

Agholor, A., Olorunfemi, O., & Ogujiuba , K. (2023). Socio-demographic Context of Resilience for Adaptation to Climate Change and Implication for Agricultural Extension in Buffelspruit, South Africa. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE), 51(4), 210-233.