Does the Adoption of Genetically Modified Seeds Improve the Technical Efficiency of Family-Owned Maize Farms? A Case of Alfred Nzo in the Eastern Cape




Adoption, Technical Efficiency, Family-Owned Maize Farms, Genetically Modified Seed


This study mainly focused on measuring maize farmers' technical efficiency and impact on maize production in Eastern Cape province. This research has employed a formal survey conducted on a sample size of 164 farmers. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages were used for descriptive statistics to examine the socioeconomic characteristics of family-owned maize farms. The stochastic frontier model was also used to estimate the technical efficiency of family-owned maize farms under present conditions. The results have shown that the socioeconomic characteristics of farmers largely influence accessibility and awareness to these kinds of technologies. The adoption is delayed due to limited farmer support, lack of awareness, scepticism about these technologies within rural households, and poor perceptions and attitudes. Furthermore, the results have revealed that socio-demographic characteristics influence farmers' decisions on whether or not to adopt the technology. Most farmers are old and still believe in what works for them, which limits and elongates the adoption process. The empirical analysis shows that adopting genetically modified seeds enhances the productivity of family-owned farms. Furthermore, this study finds that the technical efficiency of adopters is higher compared to non-adopters. Therefore, this study recommends that strategic alliance is an important and necessary condition for farmers to adopt genetically modified technologies. 


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How to Cite

Does the Adoption of Genetically Modified Seeds Improve the Technical Efficiency of Family-Owned Maize Farms? A Case of Alfred Nzo in the Eastern Cape. (2024). South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE), 52(4), 148-165.