Back to Basics: Mitigating the Harmful Effects of Droughts for Efficient Livestock Productivity in the Grasslands of the Central Free State in South Africa




Mitigating Droughts Effects, Efficient Livestock Productivity, Grasslands


Extensive livestock production in South Africa depends on rangeland productivity and effective livestock management practices. This study aims to identify various processes to mitigate the adverse effects of droughts on livestock farming in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Stocking rates on land-reform farms during drought, rangeland management impacts on the reproduction performance of beef cattle and rangeland condition and soil data were investigated. The results showed a significant difference between rangeland condition and soil carbon, demonstrating the essential role of rangeland management in carbon sequestration. In conclusion, knowledge regarding stocking rates and prudent rangeland management practices (condition and carbon sequestration) is paramount for sustainable livestock farming during climate change. Intensive training of farmers in sustainable rangeland management is recommended to mitigate the effect of droughts and to ensure sustainable livestock production with a minimised carbon footprint.


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How to Cite

Mokhesengoane, T., van der Westhuizen, H., & Van Niekerk, J. (2024). Back to Basics: Mitigating the Harmful Effects of Droughts for Efficient Livestock Productivity in the Grasslands of the Central Free State in South Africa. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE), 52(5), 94-104.

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