Sustainability of New Generation Commercial Farmers in South Africa: A North-West Province Case Study
Economic Sustainability, Emerging Farmers, Environmental Sustainability, Rural Development, Social SustainabilityAbstract
In this study, factors hindering emerging farmers in South Africa from farming sustainably were explored from the perspectives of emerging farmers, commercial farmers, and industry experts. In addition, industry experts gave actionable recommendations on what can be done to counteract the problems faced. A mixed-methods research approach was followed, with data obtained via questionnaires and Logistical Framework Analysis. The farmers and industry experts identified several factors hampering emerging farmers' economic, environmental and social sustainability. Among these factors were difficulty accessing finance, lack of extension officer support, low profitability, not implementing sustainable agricultural practices, not supporting local communities, and a lack of social entrepreneurship. Industry experts put forth numerous actionable recommendations to improve emerging farmers' social, environmental and economic sustainability. Recommendations included, among other things, acquiring crop insurance, sharing machinery, owning title deeds, using subject-specific advice, mentoring and succession planning, and government policies to enhance female participation in agriculture.
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