The Influence of Education on Women and Food Security


  • M. Rudolph University of Johannesburg
  • E. Muchesa University of Johannesburg
  • C. Sibanda University of Johannesburg



Food Security, Gender, Women in Agriculture, Education, Farming


The study analysed the influence of education on women and food security in South Africa. The methodological approach was a qualitative analysis using focus group discussions and an in-depth desktop review of relevant literature on the education system. The focus group discussions were about rural women's farming initiatives, looking at the influence of education on productivity. According to the study, educational level and farm productivity are directly correlated. The women in the focus group discussions mentioned that education and training were critical for food production and household food security. In addition, education is essential for women to imagine and implement strategies and opportunities to gain employment and move up the commodity value chain. Furthermore, a specialised curriculum in technical subjects at primary and secondary levels targeting girls was essential for establishing a strong foundation for them. Adult education, especially in primary education courses targeting women, improves women's agriculture participation. Since women are the custodians of smallholder agriculture, gender transformative approaches such as tailor-made financial and leadership support are also critical for the socio-economic development of agriculture in South Africa.


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How to Cite

Rudolph , M., Muchesa, E., & Sibanda, C. (2024). The Influence of Education on Women and Food Security . South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE), 52(2), 91-106.