Can Agroecology Close the Health Disparities Gap for Urban Vulnerable Communities in South Africa?
Urban Agriculture, Capacity Building Community Health, Nutrition, Environmental StewardshipAbstract
Approximately 34% of households in Johannesburg grapple with food insecurity, with 60% allocating R1000 (roughly $57) or less per month for food. The advent of COVID-19 exacerbated the situation, particularly for socially disadvantaged low-income populations, limiting their access to optimal health options. The pandemic underscored the importance of a balanced diet and consuming various vegetables and herbs rich in vitamins and other essential minerals to boost the immune system. The pandemic further highlighted the disparities in South Africa's food and health systems. This article delves into the core challenges, including food insecurity, the lasting impact of COVID-19, and poor public health facilities and interventions in South Africa. It explores the potential of agroecology in addressing health disparities in South Africa's urban communities. A transdisciplinary literature review was conducted, primarily utilising secondary data from two key sites: the Research, Teaching and Food Systems Hub at the Auckland Park Bunting campus of the University of Johannesburg and research reports from the Siyakhana Growth and Development team. This study posits that the agroecological approach can effectively address the high prevalence of food and nutrition insecurity. Promoting localised food production is essential for the successful implementation of agroecology. This should be complemented by appropriate and personalised training and capacity-building initiatives through consolidated stakeholder mobilisation. A supportive policy framework advocating for urban farming and agroecology is also crucial.
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