Quality of Climate Change Extension Services Provided to Smallholder Farmers in Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
climate change, extension service, quality, South AfricaAbstract
The study ascertained the quality of climate change extension service and its determinants for smallholder farmers in Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality. The study utilised a cross-sectional survey of 100 households obtained through random sampling. Ordered logistic regression was used to analyse the data. Half of the respondents were female, mainly from Dyamala Village. Most respondents were between 50 and 59 years, married with a primary education level, with household sizes of between five and eight. Most of the respondents were unemployed, with the primary source of income being social grants and a monthly income of R2100-R3000. Most of the respondents knew about climate change, especially from other farmers. Respondents had access to extension advisory services, and 80% of them indicated that the extension services were helpful. However, most respondents indicated that the quality of climate change-related extension services was poor. Age, marital status, employment status, knowledge about climate change, and access to the extension were significant factors in the perceived quality of extension services provided. The study concludes that socioeconomic factors affected the perceived quality of extension service. The study recommends improving the accessibility and spread of extension services. There's also a need to enhance extension training to improve the quality of service delivery.
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