Assessment of Small-Scale Farmers' Perceptions Towards the Sustainability of Soybean Production in Nkangala District Municipality of the Mpumalanga Province




Perception, factors affecting sustainability, soybean production, sustainability, small-scale farmers


To achieve the FAO's goals of increasing global agricultural productivity and soybean production by 2050, understanding small-scaler farmers' perceptions of the sustainability of soybean production is crucial. This study involved a sample size of 204 participants, randomly selected from a population of 433. Correlation and regression analyses assessed small-scale farmers' perceptions of factors affecting soybean production sustainability in Nkangala District Municipality in Mpumalanga Province. This was achieved by examining the influence of participants' perceived factors and attitudes towards soybean production's sustainability. The inferential findings revealed that farming, economic, extension and education, social, and policymaking factors affected participants' perceived attitudes towards the sustainability of soybean production in the study area. This suggests that any unit increase in these factors is associated with an increased probability of the participants' perceived attitudes towards the sustainability of soybean production. Future studies may focus on socioeconomic factors affecting participant's perceived attitudes towards the sustainability of soybean production. The paper concludes by recommending that these factors should be considered by the government and policymakers when implementing programs to improve soybean sustainability through the inclusion of small-scale farmers.


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How to Cite

Assessment of Small-Scale Farmers’ Perceptions Towards the Sustainability of Soybean Production in Nkangala District Municipality of the Mpumalanga Province. (2024). South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE), 52(4), 166-184.