Revolutionising the Public Extension System for Smallholder Livestock Farmers: User Experiences and the Prospects of Using Information and Communication Technologies in North West Province, South Africa
Public extension system, Information and Communication Technologies, Smallholder Farmers, Willingness to Pay, Livestock Management Database SystemAbstract
The study aimed to determine farmers’ and extension officers’ experiences with public extension and the prospects of improving the public extension service through digital-based technology. Quantitative data were collected from 101 commercially oriented active beneficiaries of the Nguni cattle project in the North West Province, South Africa, using a structured questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were collected through focus group discussions (FGDs) and key informant interviews (KIIs) and analysed using thematic analysis. Ninety percent of the farmers regarded public extension as the key source of extension services received through farm visits (66%), telephone calls (65%), and visits to the extension offices (38%). Approximately 64% of respondents reported low visibility of extension officers in their farming areas. A very low extension officer-to-farmer ratio (typically 1:> 300) and a high demand for transport facilities were cited as constraints to service delivery by extension officers. The study showed that over three-quarters of the farmers had smartphones, with 89% having adequate smartphone operating skills. Approximately 80% had a strong positive perception of the usefulness of the proposed Livestock Management Database System (LMDS) in livestock production, while 84% were willing to pay to access the system. The results of the FGDs and KIIs also indicated high positive perceptions toward innovation. In conclusion, a digital-based platform was proposed to assist the public extension system in delivering well-coordinated extension and advisory services that would meet the needs of farmers cost-effectively.
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Copyright (c) 2025 O. Mapiye, G. Makombe, A.H. Molotsi, K. Dzama, C. Mapiye

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