Leguminous Cover Crops Increase the Biomass and Nutritive Value of Grasses in South African Soils: A Review
Biomass Production, Grass Nutritive Value, Legumes, Livestock Production, Soil PropertiesAbstract
Due to the expansion of farming, many agricultural systems now depend more on chemical pesticides and inorganic fertilisers to boost farm output. Leguminous cover crops are used to improve soil fertility and to increase nitrogen availability for crop production. This review focuses mainly on evaluating the role of leguminous cover crops on soil's physical, chemical and biological properties. Furthermore, it focuses on the role of cover crops in crop biomass, grass nutritive value and crop-livestock grazing systems. This review used the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar databases (accessed between January 2003 and December 2022). To find publications in the scope of the study, the authors combined different groups of keywords. The reviewed literature revealed that leguminous cover crops significantly increase yield due to an increase of nitrogen through nitrogen fixation. In addition, leguminous cover crops boost the forage's nutritional value, lowering feed costs and increasing livestock productivity. As a result of these findings, farmers can reap the benefits of leguminous cover crops in various ways, including enhancement of soil health, biomass, yield and reducing overall production costs.
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