The Challenges of Extension Service Delivery and its Determinants in the Agricultural Extension System: An Insight from a Study in North-Western Ethiopia
agricultural extension, Agricultural extension services, determinantsAbstract
The present study examined the significant bottlenecks of extension service and determinants of service delivery in North Western Ethiopia. A total of 120 sample households were randomly selected using a multistage sampling technique to represent the highland, lowland, and midland districts in the former North Gondar zone. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Through descriptive and econometric analysis, the study found that the bottlenecks to the effectiveness of the extension service delivery are highly connected to the poor functioning of farmer training centres, the top-down approach, the limited capacity of development agents, and poor infrastructure. Specifically, the model results for the variables participatory extension approach, integrated extension service, land size, and demonstration showed a positive and statistically significant influence, with coefficient values of 0.734, 0.496, 0.096, and 0.701, respectively. Based on the results, it was concluded that the existing extension service delivery practices were very low due to multiple and interlocking challenges that demand concerted efforts at different levels. Therefore, extension services should be designed based on local problems and challenges, with intimate interaction with farmers and stakeholders and move away from a one-size-fits-all approach.
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