Analysis of Climate Change Knowledge and Capacity Needs of Rural Women Farmers in Southern Nigeria
Rural Women, Information Needs, Crop Farmers, Capacity Needs, Climate Change AdaptationAbstract
The study analysed climate change knowledge and capacity needs of rural women crop farmers in Southern Nigeria. Data was collected from 420 women farmers selected through a multi-stage sampling procedure using a questionnaire, interview schedule and key informant interviews. Descriptive statistics, Analysis of Variance and Ordered Probit Regression analysis were used to analyse the data collected. Knowledge of the management of resistant crop varieties (X̄ = 3.48), use of improved farming technologies (X̄ = 3.48) and access to credit facilities for adaptation purposes (X̄ = 3.46) were the major areas of knowledge and capacity needs of the rural women farmers. Marital status, educational level, and access to credit influenced rural women farmers' knowledge and capacity needs. Results further showed a significant difference in the knowledge and capacity needs of rural women farmers across the six states of southern Nigeria used for the study. Climate change intervention programmes and policies in Nigeria need to take cognisance of some socioeconomic characteristics of rural women farmers that influenced their knowledge and capacity needs, as these could provide deeper insight into developing a more impactful intervention programme and policy.
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