The Benefits of Social Media Platforms Used in Agriculture for Information Dissemination


  • P.M. Ramavhale University of Limpopo
  • E.M. Zwane University of Limpopo
  • A. Belete University of Limpopo



Extension officers, Farmers, Information dissemination, Social media


Traditionally, agricultural information is disseminated through industrial media such as newspapers, television, and radio. People, including farmers, are using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and blogs to spread personal or agricultural information. This paper highlights the benefits of social media to farmers as follows: coverage of large geographical boundaries in a short time, reducing farmers’ social isolation, increasing networking platforms, mobilising farmers, keeping farmers updated and marketing agricultural goods with ease. Literature acquired from Google Scholar, Scopus, Science Direct and the University of Limpopo e-library search engines provided sources of information for the paper. This paper discusses the benefits of social media, defines the concept of social media, and lists different social media platforms available to farmers. It concludes that social media can enhance farmers’ capabilities and interaction with extension officers. The paper recommends that agricultural news and communication be spread using social media platforms popular in the farming communities, that there be development of information centres where farmers can access social media and get assistance while accessing such information and that they receive proper training on the use of social media platforms. Extension officers must be equipped with skills to package relevant information to disseminate to the farmers.


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How to Cite

Ramavhale, P., Zwane, E., & Belete, A. (2024). The Benefits of Social Media Platforms Used in Agriculture for Information Dissemination. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE), 52(2), 77-90.