Exploring the Challenges Faced by the Small-Scale Dairy Farmers in Bojanala Platinum District Municipality in North-West Province, South Africa
Support small scale dairy farmers, Small scale dairy farming, Bojanala Platinum District, Thematic content analysisAbstract
In developing countries, livestock in the form of small-scale dairy farming is often a primary source of food security and revenue for rural communities. Despite this, decreasing dairy production in rural areas is a great concern. This study explored the challenges of small-scale dairy farmers (SSDFs) in the Bojanala Platinum District of the North West Province, South Africa. A qualitative study was conducted using purposive and snowball sampling techniques among SSDFs in the district to uncover the challenges confronting them. Twenty‑four in‑depth interviews were conducted with farmers, and data were analysed using the thematic content analysis technique (TCA). Eight themes emerged from the data analysis: the high cost of feed and fertiliser, diseases and the high cost of medication, unpredictable weather patterns, power failure, high cost of electricity, cattle theft, lack of machinery and equipment and lack of support. SSDFs should be made aware and trained on identifying and managing livestock diseases, and prevention strategies for livestock theft should be developed and implemented. The study also recommends that local governments subsidise and support SSDFs to manage and sustain their businesses. Furthermore, the SSDFs should be exposed to agricultural funders in their localities, and access to educational services should be made available for local farmers to receive training towards proposal writing to apply for funds. In future, studies can look at the knowledge and literacy of farmers in sourcing funds to support their dairy farming business.
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