Impact of a Multi-Stakeholder Approach on Rural Livelihood and Socioeconomic Status of the Farming Community at Zanyokwe Irrigation Scheme, Amahlathi Local Municipality, Eastern Cape


  • A. Dumani
  • M.M. Mbangcolo
  • B. Mpambani
  • X. Mpengesi
  • M. Titimani


Multi-stakeholder approach, Socioeconomic, Farming community, Irrigation scheme


Access to finance and production inputs are some of the challenges that dominate the small-scale farming sector in South Africa. Public Private Partnerships (PPP) are among some of the alternatives that could be utilised to assist small-scale farmers. An informal partnership was initiated between the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR), Rance Rural Development (RRD), and the farmers of Sidalukukhanya Agriculture Co-op (SAC) for pepper production at the Zanyokwe Irrigation Scheme. A study was conducted to evaluate the socioeconomic impact of this partnership. A questionnaire was administered to the members of SAC for data collection. Results showed that this PPP significantly improved the livelihood and socioeconomic Status of SAC members farming at the Zanyokwe Irrigations Scheme. Through this partnership, approximately 13% of jobs are created in the field for the co-op members, while 6% are permanently employed in the processing factory. Similarly, 56% of seasonal employment intake occurred during planting and harvesting s in the cropping fields at Zanyokwe Irrigation Scheme in Keiskammahoek. A further 25% of seasonal jobs were created through the processing of produce at the agro-processing factory in Stutterheim. Most farmers increased their business by 20% and production skills by 80%. Therefore, this partnership has shown the potential to improve the livelihood and socioeconomic Status of Zanyokwe farmers.


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How to Cite

Impact of a Multi-Stakeholder Approach on Rural Livelihood and Socioeconomic Status of the Farming Community at Zanyokwe Irrigation Scheme, Amahlathi Local Municipality, Eastern Cape. (2023). South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE), 51(1), 1-12.