Extension Worker’s Views Regarding the Digital Mobile Technology Services in Addressing Climate Change Issues: A Case Study of Botswana
Digital Technology, Extension Workers, Mobile Technology AgricultureAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the views of agricultural extension educators about digital technology services in addressing issues about climate change. This study was designed to analyse extension worker’s perceptions regarding the use of digital technologies in addressing climate issues in agriculture. The study used mixed methods involving qualitative and quantitative data. Four cohort groups comprising 32 in-service agricultural extension students, were admitted for a diploma program at the Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BUAN).
Results showed that most (67%) of the extension workers surveyed indicated they have basic and intermediate skills rather than expert and advanced skills in digital applications. Almost half of the respondents (47.7%) indicated having smart mobile phones, and 45% showed international interest in bandwidth and secured internet systems in regions where they worked. Ninety percent (90%) of the respondents agreed with statements supporting agricultural digital revolution. The study found no significant association between gender and usage of digital mobile technology. The paper concluded that extension workers must be kept up-to-date to align with evolving technologies such as digitalisation. It is also concluded that most extension advisors own a cell phone.
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