Exploring Information Needs and Diverse Sources for the Growth and Sustainability of the South African Honeybush Industry





Agricultural extension, Honeybush, Information needs, Information sources


Honeybush is an indigenous fynbos shrub with the potential to contribute significantly to socio-economic development in rural South Africa. However, there exists a knowledge gap on the types of information that role players in this emerging agricultural sector need to produce quality honeybush tea efficiently, as well as their preferences for obtaining information and guidance materials. A survey of 44 role players along the Honeybushsh value chain was conducted to determine the nature of the information they require and their preferred communication formats. The results show that the most pressing need is information about general honeybush cultivation, followed by detailed guidance on cultivating different species and implementing quality management systems, such as organic certification. Respondents also highlighted the urgency of improving consumer awareness of honeybush tea. Other information related to sustainable cultivation practices, enhancing the industry’s sustainability and helping with marketing. Respondents preferred information from research institutions and wanted to receive the information in a face-to-face (interpersonal) format. These findings could help to improve agricultural extension and fill knowledge gaps in the South African honeybush industry.


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How to Cite

Exploring Information Needs and Diverse Sources for the Growth and Sustainability of the South African Honeybush Industry. (2023). South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE), 51(3), 50-78. https://doi.org/10.17159/2413-3221/2023/v51n3a14650