Evaluating the effect of certain management practices on the production performance of goat farmers in selected districts of KwaZulu-Natal: agricultural extension can make a difference


  • L. Ntuli
  • P.J. Fourie




Effect, management practices, goat production, KwaZulu-Natal


Goat farming holds great importance in the KwaZulu Natal province, it offers means to generate income specially to sustain rural households. Employment and food security are accounted for. Proper management of goats play a prime role in improving the productivity of herds. To discover what influence various management practices have on the production of goats, data was collected from seventy farmers in the uMgungundlovu district in KwaZulu-Natal province. The following four production variables were investigated: conception rate, lambing percentage, mortality rate and weaning percentage was investigated. Management practices investigated were: Internal parasite control; external parasite control; provision of supplementary feed during winter and summer; provision of supplementary lick; fertility testing of bucks before mating; provision of flush feed before breeding season starts; the presence of specific breeding seasons and pregnancy diagnosis. There was a statistical significance (P<0.05) in the conception rate where flush feeding was provided and a specific breeding season was present. A statistically significant higher lambing percentage with the control of internal parasites, provision of supplementary feed, flush feeding and the presence of a specific breeding season was obtained. There was a statistically higher weaning percentage with the provision of supplementary feed (P<0.05), flush feeding, the presence of a specific breeding season and pregnancy diagnosis


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How to Cite

Evaluating the effect of certain management practices on the production performance of goat farmers in selected districts of KwaZulu-Natal: agricultural extension can make a difference. (2022). South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE), 50(1), 178-204. https://doi.org/10.17159/2413-3221/2022/v50n1a14407