Analyzing the delivery of public agricultural extension services to rural households during Covid-19: A case study of Idutywa, Eastern Cape, South Africa


  • C. Mzuyanda
  • U. Luvhengo
  • P. Jiba
  • H. Khobai
  • S.S. Letsoalo



Households, Covid-19, Access to Public Extension Services, logit model


This study analysed the delivery of public agricultural extension services to the rural households of Idutywa, Eastern Cape. Primary data were collected from 75 participants. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Results revealed that there is generally a lack of access to extension services by households in the study area. Above all, the findings showed that access to agricultural extension services is influenced by limited movements, cellphone data, household size, and a limited number of farmers for training. Based on the control and treated variables, the Average Treatment Effect Treated from Kernel, Nearest Neighbours, and Radius matching methods were found to be negative which means that if farmers did not receive the program during the pandemic, the performance and yields were going to be very poor and low. The study recommends that extension officers should be empowered with modern tools to deliver need-based agricultural extension services in the future.


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How to Cite

Mzuyanda, C., Luvhengo, U., Jiba, P., Khobai, H., & Letsoalo, S. (2022). Analyzing the delivery of public agricultural extension services to rural households during Covid-19: A case study of Idutywa, Eastern Cape, South Africa. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE), 50(1), 60-75.