Achieving the NDP 2030 agricultural agenda in UMzimkhulu: myth or possibility




NDP 2030, Capacitation, Agricultural agenda, Rural farming projects


The South African Constitution has often been adjudged one of the most progressive constitutions ever written. However, transforming the theoretical content of the Constitution into a reality has proved to be a challenge. Considering that, the NDP 2030 is widely acknowledged as a well-thought-out and structured plan, the converting of the NDP 2030 vision into reality is discussed amongst cynics, who often consider it as an unrealistic vision based on the current circumstances and timeframe. In consonance with the afore-narrative, this paper explores the current circumstances of the Agricultural sector within the UMzimkhulu Municipality and gauges against the agricultural agenda set forth in the NDP 2030. To unravel this nexus, the paper pursues a qualitative approach wherein face-to-face interviews were conducted amongst 63 farmers. Prior to the interview, a pretest was conducted to ascertain the suitability of the instrument. The professional personnel were from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development; the Department of Water and Sanitation, alongside other key stakeholders within three farming projects in UMzimkhulu, KwaZulu-Natal, Province, South Africa. The conceding view amongst most of the respondents indicated that the agricultural plan outlined in the NDP 2030 was far from attainment considering the current resources, skills, personnel, and timeframe. Thus, the paper advocates several proactive mitigations such as capacitation, tailor-made investments, institutional reinvigoration, and formidable partnerships amidst other practicable recommendations.


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How to Cite

Bakre, R., Amoo, O., Garane, P., & Ojugbele, H. (2021). Achieving the NDP 2030 agricultural agenda in UMzimkhulu: myth or possibility. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE), 49(3), 46-61.